Ipoh for Formal Function

For those who follow my twitter, you might know that I was away to Ipoh for 5 days to participate in a very formal function which has been almost 10 years I had never attended since ever I received the highest award in the non-governmental organisation when I was in secondary school. 

And this time around, I was being assigned to join as the newly appointed Girl Guides Sabah State Honoury Treasurer to participate in this National Conference and Annual General Meeting for the very first time with all over 300 representatives from all states including Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya.

Ipoh 01
This year host for the event was Perak Branch and so coincidentally, 2012 is the year to visit Perak. 

Ipoh 02
The national event was held in this newly opened hotel which operated less than 6 months and it's located in the city centre. 

Ipoh 03
Comfort and spacious hotel room was given to us. We enjoyed the stay but the time we spent in our room is so limited.

Lots of activities were being held during these 4 days national event including visiting and plant a tree in mangrove sea forest of Taiping, singing competition with our special host, Datuk AC Mizan and more.

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Proudly to say that Sabah beats the other 16 representation and won the singing competition. Our tagline "Buli Bah Kalau Kau"; I guess all Sabahan should know this.

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One of the most prominent event was this National Conference and Annual General Meeting was officially launched by Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Hajah Haminah.
I did tweet that there was an honoury speech given by our Prime Minister's wife, Datin Seri Paduka Rosmah and someone requested for the photo. So hereby I proudly present you the photo I took of Malaysia "First Lady".

Ipoh 06

So, that's summarised my 5 days visit to Ipoh and I will blog in more details in future post. By the way, this is my third visit to the city of Ipoh but I never got the chance to fully explored of this historical beautiful city. Hopefully someday. *cross fingers*

Snapshot Sunday: Cardiff Bay, Wales

Cardiff Bay 01
Cardiff Bay, capital city of Wales is a home to a large freshwater lake for sailing and water sports. It is not just an ordinary bay, it does offer few notable buildings that rich with their own kind of history and culture such Wales Millenium Centre, Norwegian Church, Pierhead Building, The Seneed and more.

For more, check out my old travel post: Cardiff Bay and It's Attractions

Everland Resort - 3rd Theme Area: European Adventure

Once we done with the Safari ride from the Zoo-Topia theme area, we reached upon another third theme area of European Adventure. At here, we got to experience all the architecture of the building imitates various of European styles. For this theme area I will blog in 2 different posts. Like I mentioned before, wanna do an absolute coverage of Everland Resort. 

Everland - European Adventure (Part 1) 01
This is one funny photo of me and my friend. I was wondering what was I looking at actually?

Everland - European Adventure (Part 1) 02
Creepy and spooky Halloween festivals around Everland Resort

Everland - European Adventure (Part 1) 03
This is one of my friend's favourite ride and she keeps asking us to join, but four of us were too scared for this ride. At the end, she went enjoyed the ride all by herself. She is too daring. 

If you are wondering why we refused to join her? Take a look at the next photo.

Everland - European Adventure (Part 1) 04
This ride is known as T-Express and it is the steepest wooden roller coaster in the world with 77 degrees. It is South Korea's first wooden coasted and has become the most highest, fastest, longest and steepest roller coaster of South Korea. Now who dare to take a ride on this T-Express? 

Everland - European Adventure (Part 1) 08
While waiting for my friend, Nicole to enjoy her most adrenaline rush ride, we have a soft ice-cream. Gosh! It's quite hot during the early season of autumn in Seoul.

Everland - European Adventure (Part 1) 05
The grand stage where the parade will be performed.

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Here is the parade of Everland Resort. It is so lively, happening and vibrant celebration in the Land of Festivals! There are like 2-3 parade will be held a day and we got to watch it twice.

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The one amazing thing was we watched the parade while having our ride on the Skyway, another kind of ski lift where it served as a shortcut from one theme area to another theme area.

My next few post would be sharing of another two type of Everland's theme area and the second part of European Adventure theme area. 

Everland Resort - 2nd Theme Area: Zoo-Topia

In case you missed out the first theme area that I covered before in my previous post, The Global Fair, you can refer to this link.

Seriously, Everland Resort is not like any others normal theme park which I experienced before. It is not only just a home that offers over 40 heart-pounding of thrill rides and various adventures, Everland also includes a wild world of animals under the Zoo-Topia theme area. Like I did mentioned before in one of my previous post that "Watching Moving Creatures It's Fun Sometimes", so when a theme park combines together with an animal lifepark, it's totally another plus points for me to make a visit.

There's a "Human Sky" ride which looks alike a ski lift from Global Fair theme area where it could take us directly to the Zoo-Topia area but we decided to stroll down by ourself in order witness more different kind of animals.

Everland - ZooTopia 01
Different kind of attractions can be found in Zoo-Topia. Absolutely an unforgettable trip with family.

Everland - ZooTopia 02
One of the latest attractions but because we have to wait so long for the next show, therefore we skipped this.

Everland - ZooTopia 03This is Everland's mini zoo. Even though small in size, but we got to see lions, sea lions, penguins and more. But the most importantly ....

Everland - ZooTopia 04
Oh my! Oh my! First time I saw a real polar bear right in front of my own eyes.

Everland - ZooTopia 05
Exclusively site for monkeys with 12 kinds of apes and a total of 145 monkeys. 

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Guess how many monkeys are there? 

Everland - ZooTopia 07

There even has this "Animal Wonder World" where can see rare Amazon animals and also a variety of adorable animals such as...

Everland - ZooTopia 08
Who say you have to go all the way to Australia to see kangaroo? I've seen kangaroo twice but now in Australia itself. The first time I saw was in United Kingdom and second time in here, Seoul.

Everland - ZooTopia 09

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This is one of the attractions that shouldn't miss out in Zoo-Topia theme area, where we took a ride in a bus and watch few of Safari animals roaming in a contained habitat. 

Everland - ZooTopia 11
The safari bus which could accommodate up to 20 person per ride. But unfortunately for foreign tourists like us, we barely understood what the driver was trying to tell us cause he was speaking in Korean. Hence, what we can do is enjoy watching the animals.

Everland - ZooTopia 12
It's amazing ride cause we got to watch so close towards all these animals especially the lions. There even give visitors a chance to feed the giraffe but might incur extra charge for that. How I wish this ride would be more exciting and adventurous if the lion jump on the top of the bus? I guess if the lion do so, all the Korean inside the bus will shout like hell.  mrgreen

Who said Everland is just another fairytale theme park? It's also another Wild World of Animals!

[Credit To: Official Korea Tourism Organisastion, Everland Homepage, Wikipedia]

My #7SuperShots

I was reading My 7 Super Shots post by Fie-nuts not until when I read until the end, she tagged me to do the same post too. I was so surprised but thanks for the tagged, Fie and giving me the chance to participate in this HostelBookers 7 Super Shots. Well, like everyone said, "A photo speak a thousand words by itself" and I believe that photo plays important role too when comes to travelling as it creates and brings spectacular memories of all the beautiful memories that you'd been through from the journey.

Hereby, I share my own list for the photo that...

#1. Takes my breath away

#7SuperShots - 01
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (2011) - Who can image the aerial view photo that I took from hundred feet above the sea it likes telling me, "Smile and the world will smile to you". And even you'll get to see a love shape island on the left-hand side of this look-like-face aerial view.

#2. Makes me laugh or smile

#7SuperShots - 02
Jeju Island, South Korea (2011) - Everytime when I browsing back especially this photo which I took in "Love Land" and reminiscence all the statues I seen, I feels like can't stop laughing on how this place demonstrate especially the newly wed couple of Korean how to make love. I'm kid not!

#3. Makes me dream

#7SuperShots - 03
Kyoto, Japan (2010) - Dreaming that I could revisit Japan again someday and manage to wear kimono in Japan itself as I experienced wearing "hanbok" in Korea and even the Chinese dynasty princess costume  in China but never got the chance to wear kimono.

#4. Makes me think

#7SuperShots - 04
Manchester United Stadium, United Kingdom (2008) - Got the chance to visit this spectacular and glory Red Devil's stadium but I was thinking if I got the chance to watch the live football match, how will the crowd with thousand of audience would be? Not only holding the banner, shouting for "GOAL GOAL" until my lung will come out from my body but also making a wave with the crowd together which I never got the chance to experience before.

#5. Makes my mouth water

#7SuperShots - 05
Hong Kong (2010) - Just like it literally means, "touch your heart", dim sum is always my favourite local delicacies which not only I love to enjoy in Hong Kong itself, also as a brunch (the combination of both breakfast and lunch) with my family together. 

#6. Tells a story

#7SuperShots - 06
Verona, Italy (2008) - Looks like everyone is writing their love wishes, make a sincere wish and stick it on the wall so that he/she could be together with his/her other half could live happily ever. "Till death tears us apart"

#7. I am most proud of (aka my worthy of National Geographic shot)

#7SuperShots - 07
Phuket, Thailand (2012) - Waiting with passionate but almost got sunburned just to witness the magnificent and famous sunset view from Promthep Cape. Totally no regret!

Now it's my turn to tag 5 other bloggers to do the same things too:
1. World of Travels, Enviro, Photography - http://hcvv.blogspot.com/ 
4. Travels - Ballroom Dancing - Amusement Park - http://filipdemuinck-kristelpardon.blogspot.com/

All you need to do is pick your own photos for each of the above categories, write a short description for each image and not forgetting to tag 5 other bloggers too. For more info, check out here. Have fun everyone!

Everland Resort - 1st Theme Area: Global Fair

Date of Visited: 10th September 2011

Welcome to Everland Resort, the Land of Festivals for 365 days a year.
Everland 01

After taking 2 different routes which I shared in my previous post on How To Get To Everland Resort where took us almost 2 hours, finally we reached South Korea's largest theme park. One of my travelmate told me that die-die must also come here. For me, I'm not really sure where did I came across of Everland Resort and can't recall which Korean drama had I ever watched before that promote Everland but it's seems like six sense that I must go to Everland, and believe me, once I step in, I won't feel regret for travelling so far away from Seoul city.

Everland Resort is so claimed by most tourists that it's look alike Disneyland Resort, which I couldn't agreed more but if I thought I were in Hong Kong, I would feel like it has the both combination of Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park. You will find out why I said so when I showcase the photo that my friends and I took at Everland Resort.

As usual, going to buy admission ticket before enter into the park but while queuing up with the local, we're being requested to go the group ticket office to purchase the tickets. According to the research that I done, the admission ticket for foreigner is 38,000 won per person but came to our surprise, the total amount that we paid was 23,000 won per person. We're not really sure why but for sure it was our lucky day.

Everland 02
A group photo once we enter the park.

Just like every other amusement park, Everland Resort is distinguished into 5 different theme areas that offers more than 30 types of attractions full of high thrilling and various fun; Global Fair, American Adventure, Magic Land, European Adventure and Zoo-Topia. And because of too many photo that my friends and I took (I guess most of you will do the same thing when visiting any theme parks), hence I decided to post all of these 5 different theme ares into 5 different posts. So, for this post is mainly all about Global Fair.

"Located near the front entrance of Everland, the Global Fair is home to a large bazaar decorated with reproductions of castles from France, Middle Eastern countries, Spain, India, and Russia. Not only visually captivating, the various architectural styles invite visitors into the culture and history of other nations, such as the Ancient and Medieval Periods of Europe." - Wikipedia

Once we entered the main entrance, we waited no more and ready our camera. This theme area makes me reminiscence I was in Italy instead of in South Korea. 

Everland- Global Fair 01

Everland- Global Fair 02

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Everland 04
It's Halloween everywhere!

Almost every year when I visited any theme parks: either Disneyland in Hong Kong and even DisneySea in Tokyo also during Halloween time. This is because some of my friends and even included myself at that moment were auditors. Fyi, auditors are not allowed to take long holiday period during peak season especially April - August. Therefore most of my travel period is after month of August. Pity, right?

Everland- Global Fair 03

Everland- Global Fair 04

Global Fair is primarily a place for food, souvenirs and pictures as visitors make their way into and out of the park. There are many shops, and restaurants as well as special services such as stroller rental and lockers.

By the time we reached Everland, it was lunch time and because we were so lucky that we save a lot from our admission fee, therefore we used the extra money to dine-in one of their restaurant.

Everland- Global Fair 05

Everland 05
A set meal of pork cutlet curry rice cost 9,000 won and a bottle of orange juice cost 2,000 won

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Everland 09

That's cover the first theme area from the five of Everland Resort. Will cover more on the next theme area in the next post. Have a great day!

NOTE: By the way, AirAsia is having a big promotion now. Has anyone of you bought any ticket to anywhere next year? For me, of course I won't miss out this chance and I was damn surprised that I managed to buy a ticket within 10 minutes with smoothly and fast once the promotion started without get through the most irritating "Waiting Room". Plus, bought a ticket for 7 people. Guess AirAsia has improved their booking system.