Insufficient Time

Where had all my times gone? Sometimes I really wish if I could turn back time.. So many things I want to redo back if can. However, it's just my imagination. Hey! Wake up from the fantasy world, this is a cruel of the reality world. Well, according to my horoscope, Piscean always living in a fantasy world. It's true by the way coz most of the time, I always daydreaming. Does it related? I don't know..

Talk about the main points. Week 7 this week..Yes yes yes..I realized that but I don't appreciate it. I keep chit chat with my friends, almost every nite play choi di (poker card game), check my friendster and facebook as usual..Do assignments as usual. GOSH!! I abandoned my study as well as my homework..Where had the old -dianateo- been? That almost everyday including sat and sun went to library to do revision, do short notes, do homework, etc. What happens? Looks like no motivation at all.. Can someone tell me? I really keep thinking which places to visit..

How I wish could became Hiro Nakamura, character from Heroes series who has the abilitity to stop, rewind, forward & change the time?

First Chinese Food in Sheffield

It's been 2 days our in-house chef didn't cook. Maybe she's too tired with her work. We also can't really depends on her. Somemore, I was tired as well. Every night sleep late at night, around 3-4 am. I know it's not good for my health but I used to it already. Not busy with any assignments since 2 assignments had been submitted last week, but I just chasing English drama. Grey's Anatomy. Well, hello there, I'm back with this drama again. Sometimes, it's really a touching drama.

Back to topic, due to everynite so late sleep, came back from class, then heading to the bed for afternoon sleep. It's been so long I never having a nice and relax afternoon sleep cause most of that time use for discussion. Luckily for this week itself, all my group members agreed to get a good and enough rest before we continue on the following week. After woke up from my afternoon sleep, for sure will be a little bit and hungry. So we make decision go eat Noodle Inn since lots of people went there already. So me, Liong Sung and Siew Hsia went there to have dinner.

Before we enter, I thought it was a big restaurant. Well, my imagination was wrong. Just a normal shop like the other. However, when I enter, I feel like I in Malaysian Chinese restaurant. I really miss chinese food especially roast pork. And yes, we had order roast pork with rice as well as ho fun.

Comment on the food we had: Well, can't said it really taste nice and also can't really said not nice at all. Just ok. Still can eat. But i really like the roast pork.. Taste nice that the other. And not forgeting, at last I can eat fish cake. The fish cake was cooked together with ho fun. Overall satisfied with the food and we plan to come again to taste the other menu. Before we left, a free chinese dessert for us..Not bad..

Here is the photo of the chinese food we had

Should go and try it. Chinese food in UK not bad at all.
Next food search: Nasi lemak in UK :P

Settle at last

It's been almost two weeks thinking which Europe trip should I join. Join Ken Air, senior's trip or STA..Each of this trip has different packages. Should I join 14 days trip but kind of rush or should I join 20 days where won't rush like hell during the trip but quite expensive? It's really headache. I love travelling as it was my main objectives came to UK but the problem is there's many things I need to consider.

At last, everything settle. Today full payment had given and cost me around 1100 pound. My mom will get a big shock if I tell her that but I plan to tell her later (Useless daughter :P)..Me and my friends joining STA as this travel agent going to 10 places in 20 days. So we won't be so rushing during the trip. It's quite far from my uni to STA and takes around half hours. Somemore, me and Hui Xiang were walking, we not talking any public transport. Well, at UK most of the time we using bus no 11...That's our term which stands for our leg..=.="

Europe! Wait for me!

Mamak Stall at UK?

Curious about this? Well, it's just where we went to our friend's house and they prepared Milo drink for us, sitting down, chit chat and laugh non-stop. And Kok Ming said "Welcome to Mr. Lee's Mamak Stall"..Hahahahah...So funny..Long time I didn't sit down chit chat while having drink with friends...I getting more and more missing "our usual and old place of yam cha, Zati Manis"

We talked about the trip that we plan to join after our study has over. Well, each of us going our own way.. Sad that we can't go together..By the way, Kok Ming bought a new phone and it was I-Phone...Unbeliable..Even Tracey was in big shock coz she didn't expect her bf will bought that handphone..

After back from "our mamak stall", back to my flat and my 1st FDM group members came to my house to discuss about roap trip. Trip again, YES!! I'm lovin' it...We were discussed about which type of cars that we need to rent, where to go, how many people going and what is our budget...

Planning a trip is really headache and consume lots of time..However, I really hopefully, this trip will be successfully well planning. Talking about trip, I still got lots of place that I never been to such as York, Leeds and most important Liverpool..

Finally It's Over

Finally my nightmare is over..What else non-other than assignment? As one of my FDM group member, Soke Yee said, it's really killing us softly.. I really hate assignment..Every week assignment, every week presentation, almost every night discussion..I really fade up with all this.. I thought I can having my honeymoon over here..Well, travelling is my main objectives for coming here..Second is pass all my exam and I didn't expect for much higher achievement..If I able to get Second-Upper, it will be pleasure to me..

By the way, thanks to Andrew and Tracey for telling me that my favourite dessert is having an offer. 5 pound for two, which approximately to RM32.50 and each only cost RM16.25. Compare to Malaysia, this ice-cream cost RM30 plus for each only back in Malaysia. When I'm feeling depress, tension, stress, the best way is to take a spoon and dig in this ice-cream. I tasted this ice-cream before when I travel to China.

Haagen-Dazs, cookies & cream and belgian chocolate favourite

Well, presentation 2molo..Sleep earlier, if not, the lecturer will see a panda in front of them..:P

Meadowhall and It's Shopping Time

It was sudden decision make by Hui Xiang to go Meadowhall. By the way, I did plan to go Meadowhall to shopping with Kai Xin but because she just came back from Liverpool, she is too tired and try to avoid cash outflow from her pocket, so we postponed to other day. She told me she had bought lots of things at Liverpool.. This make me more impatient and I really can't wait to go Liverpool. Luckily Hui Xiang came into my room and told me that she want go shopping. So continue with plan go Meadowhall at 10 am. Wait!! Which means I will not around in my room and doing my assignment..OMG! Rushing my assignment till 4 am so that tomorrow I can enjoy my shopping spree..=.="

Early morning, go Netto..Purposely go there to buy Walkers coz offer..24 packs for 2.09 pound..I really love to eat Walkers coz it accompany me at nite..

Not all flavour I like as it is very salt. I like the most is the blue colour, Cheese & Onion

By the way, I love to eat tit-bits. My dad had gave advises that eating tit-bits too much not good for health but I really can't stand. Sorry dad for not listening to your advise. Funny thing about this is when I reach Netto at 9am, Walkers gone! Where had u been?? Me and Adam resist to leave the supermarket as we keep on waiting for the staff to take new stock..Wait for 1 hour and yet, still no Walkers. Is it out of stock or the offer is not today? Can't wait any longer, Adam went and ask the staff and u know what? Just inside their storeroom. Better ask early. Oh gosh! The time is 10.10 am. Hui Xiang and Sin Liang is waiting for me..I'm really sorry for the late.

Back to my flat, rushing to change my clothes and dress up myself..Finish in 10 minutes..Time to leave to Meadowhall! We took train to Meadowhall and when we reach there, "Is this the right place?" I asked them. Because my friends told me that we will straight reach the Meadowhall shopping centre like Mid Valley but when we reach there, it was like what I imagine.. Anyway, we reach the correct place and what else!! Shopping time!! Sure finding Primark as those clothes are really cheap...Inside for Primark for almost 2hours..Better leave earlier if not, i will bankrupt in Primark..Besides Primark, we also went to Sports Direct..OMG!! Sports Direct in Meadowhall is 10 times bigger than in Sheffield..Too many things to look at and it is cheap too..Again, we inside there for 2hours plus..Shop shop shop till we feel hungry.. Faster go back home..

Week 4 in Sheffield

Blog..Blog..Blog..Suddenly interested in writing blog..Maybe due to after reading 3 of my friend's blog that they had written and I found it was interesting especially about their life in UK..Regret for not start earlier on :S..What I means I should actively write my blog since the day my foot was stepped in Sheffield..On the other hand, my university was organizing competition on writing blog...AHHH!!!! This makes me more regret for not doing so...

By the way, this week is week 4 and I haven't start my revision yet..Oh My Gosh! What should I do? Am I able to finish my revision and not last minute study? I was too busy with my assignment...Non-stop assignment where every week need to do presentation..I was too busy with my own work summore..Well, busy upload photos and reply testimonials in Friendster, accepting and sending gift in Facebook and recently just update MySpace..No wonder no time to do revision..I should manage my time well..Last week, I had told myself that I will start to do revision and yet..Never touch on the book that had borrowed.. By the way, I really hate assignment.. My UK life will be perfect without assignment exist [This is my MSN personal message for today]..What can I do? This is "Study Life"

However, I went to Wales last last week..2 days and 1 night trip..Although was very tired, but I really enjoyed a lot..The sea, the beach, the mountain, the bay..and what else?? Dogs!! I can't help myself from staring my eyes from them..They are too adorable and cute..

At Cardiff Bay when the owner bought ice-cream

These dogs are huge but they don't scare me off..At Barry Island and there are 3 of them

Took at Rhossili Bay. I forget the name but I know is female.

Me & my sis favourite dog, Golden Retriever..Incredibly, it is huge..Bigger than my Monica & Mona (my German shepherd dog back in Msia)

Proudly to tell you that I am dog lover..As well as my family...They are too cute and adorable..And mostly, they are obedient..Not like Malaysian dogs that simply bite people (My friend said).. Jenny, u should see this.. Really lots of different types of dogs over here..
Back to Wales...Well, Wales is a nice place with beautiful scenary..U can view my pictures in Friendster or Facebook..It's late at night and time to sleep..Hope that tomorrow I had the opportunity to crap over here..