10 Things I Love To Do

Greeting from my office! Yup, I curi-curi online at office. Hehehehe... Wow, my last post was almost 10 days ago. I really wish to keep update my blog after my exam finish.

Currently, I busy with my exam which will be held next month. So many things I would love to do after exam. I really can't wait for my exam to be over as soon as possible but at the mean time, how I wish the time can pass slowly because I haven't finish my revision yet.

Below are the 10 things I can't wait to do after my exam is over:

  1. Movie & Drama Marathon at Home.

    So many movies but yet, no time to chase it all.
  2. Movie at Cinema.

    I had reject all the invitations from my friends and family to watch movie at cinema recently. I'm really sorry for that but I'm promise, once my exam is over, let's us go to the cinema.
  3. Shopping.

    Mom, I would love to go shopping with you for shop more on formal attire; formal blouse, formal skirts, formal shirts and lots more but said no to handbag and shoes coz I had enough of those.
  4. Hang out with friends and family.

    I want continue our "busybody" stories with my East BFF and search for nice foods around KK. Suddenly, I feel like I'm craving for Wagamama.
  5. Blogging.

    Will upload many things that I love to crap to especially on my trip in UK and Europe.
  6. Editing Photo/Pictures.

    Suddenly, all the ideas of edit photo popped into my mind while I was doing revision. I want all to edit all those photo which I had saved in my laptop's hardisk.
  7. Swimming/Jogging.

    I must ensure that my diet plan is work. Somemore, I wisht to improve my swimming skills.
  8. Plan a trip.

    Joan, you makes me think of this idea. I really loves to go travel with my friends as it's been listed as one of my wish on the wishing star. I plan to go Bali next year with my friends.
  9. Snorkelling.

    The place that in my list were Pulau Sapi and Pulau Mamutik.
  10. Lastly, sleeping zzzZZZ.
    Yup, this was one of my favourite pastime when I was a student. Right now, it's hard for me to sleep at least 10 hours per day due to so many unfinished business.

In the mean time, bless and wish me luck for my exam.

Pulau Manukan

If a sun-drenched paradise is your idea of a perfect getaway, head down to Manukan Island. Here, you will find all kinds of tropical bliss in this second largest island of Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Reserve. Just a 15-minute boat ride from the Marina Jetty of Sutera Harbour Resort, Manukan Island is very accessible yet beautifully remote.
Manukan comes with clear waters and beautiful coral reefs. Blessed with a long stretch of white sandy beach promising hours of sea, sand & fun! The water surface is compensated by the rich and colourful marine life that you can find underneath it. Really, people come to Pulau Manukan for the diving and snorkeling. Guests can choose to stay in one of the single or double storey chalets. All chalets overlook the South China Sea and a spectacular sunset is almost a daily affair.
This is my 4th batch of friends that I brought them to Sabah's little paradise. If anyone of you who come from Peninsular Malaysia or anywhere to KK, I will never hesitate to bring you to KK island. My zhu zhu, Siew Yen and her friends came from Kuching for few days vacation at KK. So, I decided to bring them to Manukan Island as it's been ages I never went to that island.
Pulau Manukan, a spectacular island
Beautiful blue sky with blue sea
You can even get closer with the tropical fishes
My zhu zhu, Siew Yen
The thing must do before we leave, a group photo with the signboard stated "Pulau Manukan"
After discussing with my dad, I told him that I would love to snorkelling in few island that I interest with; such as Pulau Sapi and Pulau Mamutik. But this plan will begin after my ACCA exam, which will be held next month in the mid of June. So, do you want to join me?