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Sharing Saturday #01: Glenfinnan Viaduct

Small Note: I always would like to create segment like #Sharing Saturday or even #Snapshot Sunday to share some of my hidden photo and trips which I never share before this in my blog.

Had you ever heard of this place before? If you never heard of it, don't worry because I'm gonna share it here.

This post is specially dedicated to all those Harry Potter fans out there (doesn't matter whether you fans of the books or movies but for me, it's the movie I am chasing about), finally it comes to the end after after eight movies that spanned more than a decade.

Glenfinnan Viaduct is a railway viaduct located on the West Highlands of Scotland. It came to prominence in the Harry Potter films, the first being "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (the second series of Harry Potter), when the Jacobite Steam Train became transformed into the Hogwarts Express and was filmed crossing this viaduct.

Glenfinnan 1
Exactly at 3.15 pm, the Jacobite Steam Train will passby this viaduct.

Glenfinnan 2
Now waiting for it to transform into Hogwarts Express (Neh, I'm just kidding)

Glenfinnan 3
It also appears in two subsequent Harry Potter films, "The Prisoner of Azkaban" and "The Goblet of Fire".

Glenfinnan 4
Loves the vivid colour of the sky and scenery.

Glenfinnan 5
One of the Harry Potter Film Location.

There are tons of Harry Potter's movie screenshots but I just found two. Probably someday when I visit United Kingdom again, hopefully can spots all those Harry Potter film location.

So, have you watch the final epic of Harry Potter? I had watched it last Thursday midnight and I am gonna said this is most probably one of the final series filled with thriller and most importantly, it ends with good ending or else I'm gonna !@#$%^&* after all had been chasing for almost a decade.

[Credit to: Wikipedia, Moviesblog.mtv.com]