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4 Days of Shenzhen, China Trip With Family (2011)

This post served as a compilation for all the post relating to my trip to Shenzhen with my dearest family, like what I always did for most of my previous trip. This is also because I don't blog consecutively, so here is to ease myself when I want refer back in future.

Day 1 (28th May 2011)
The Arrival, Sushi & Shopping

Day 2 (29th May 2011)
McD & Continue Shopping

Day 3 (30th May 2011)
City Day Tour Around Shenzhen
Day 4 (31st May 2011)
Last Day & Cheap McD Breakfast

Extra Features:
1. Sofitel Dongguan Human Oriental
2. My Shopping & Food Haul

Although it was a kinda short trip, but I really have a precious and wonderful moments with all my family members. You know its kinda hard to gather all my family together especially my sister who is currently working in Singapore and also my brother is studying in Kuching now. I'm not sure when will my family and I will travel together but I really hope we will have another trip to Singapore this year end where is not just a vacation, holiday for us but also to visit my sister who was being promoted recently.

DT @ Shenzhen, 2011