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Indonesia Day 2 - Leaving Jakarta For Bandung (Part I)

Date of Visited: 21st December 2011

By the time we woke up, we found it's only 7am of Indonesian time. Jakarta time is 1 hour behind Malaysia time. Mommy and I woke up early to wander around nearby the hotel before leaving Jakarta to Bandung. And also to hunt for breakfast as it was not included in our hotel.

Day 2 - Jakarta 01
Some of the area in Jakarta was indeed clean. No kidding!

Day 2 - Jakarta 02
Some of the buildings we saw at this business district of Jakarta Golden Triangle. Jakarta is divided into 5 cities/municipalities; which are Central, North, East, West and South. The area that we were staying was in Central Jakarta which is the smallest city and home to most of Jakarta's administrative and political center.

Day 2 - Jakarta 03
Mom couldn't find any coffee shops nearby the hotel. She needs at least drink a cup of coffee everyday. Hence, we decided went back to our hotel, MaxOne Hotels.com for breakfast before checking-out. The reason I choose this hotel mainly because it is so near to the train station and we heard a lot of congested jam in Jakarta. For sure, we don't want to miss out train.

Day 2 - Jakarta 04
This is auto rickshaw of Indonesia, which being by the local as Bajaj. Initially we plan to take taxi to the train station from our hotel, but the staff recommended us to take this as it was more faster and cheaper too. You can bargain with them before decided to ride with them. Mommy and I did bargained with the driver and finally both of us agreed to pay the driver for IDR15,000 (roughly around RM5). The ride is similar to tuk-tuk in Thailand.

Day 2 - Jakarta 07
Gambir Station, the mainline railway station in Central Jakarta that will depart to Bandung. Besides Bandung, it also depart to other major cities of Indonesia such as Semarang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta.  

Day 2 - Jakarta 05
The time schedule. The train from Jakarta Gambir Station to Bandung depart for every hour or two but it is advisable to check it advance as it might change. There are two website that you can check out if you want plan your journey from Jakarta to Bandung or even to other cities:
  1. Train Travel in Indonesia
  2. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
As I saw one of Jakarta's icon, the Monument National or in short known as MONAS is located just besides the Gambir Station and also cause we had a lil bit of spare time, I told my mom I wanna go there for photoshooting. But turns out, it need at least 10 minutes walking. Mommy was quite worry that we might be late for our flight, hence this is one and only shot that I managed to capture from the station:
Jakarta Trip 2011
Monument National of Indonesia, MONAS

Day 2 - Jakarta 06
Bear in mind that if you wanna take taxi in Jakarta, it is advisable to take this blue colour taxi which known as the "Blue Bird". Up to date, I heard lots of positive comments from the foreign tourists.

Day 2 - Jakarta 08
We bought the Executive class for IDR60,000 (roughly around RM22) per person. The seats are quite comfortable with fully air-conditioned. There are even meals being sold inside the train such as fried rice, fried noodle, snacks and drinks but might be pricey. Well, mommy and I had bought quite lots of foods and drinks before we depart.

Bandung Trip 2011
Finally, a train ride for 3 hours, we reached Bandung but unfortunately, it rained cats and dogs once we arrived. This is what I hate when comes to travelling - heavy rain that really spoil the travelling mood.

So, it rains heavily in Bandung and what did we did? Stay tune for the Part II of Bandung travelogue.