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Patong Beach, Popular Beach of Phuket

Date of Visit: 6th January 2012

On the second day of our Phuket trip, it's kinda free and easy as we didn't bought any travel package for the day time. After breakfast, we decided heading to the famous and well-developed beach, Patong Beach. The path from our guesthouse to the beach took more than 10 minutes and if we knew the shortcut, it might be shorter but we're unsure with the shortcut. Walking through halfway, I spotted a random ice-cream shop that I felt so tempted wanna have them. Oh well, afterall it's my favourite dessert and hard for me to resist it and because of that, my friends said, "Let's go in!". Yes, I went in happily just like a little girl.

Phuket Day 2 - Ice Cream
#1: We ordered two kind of ice-creams; Caramel Chocolate & Banana with Strawberry.

If you ask me the comparison between these with the global chain of ice-cream restaurant, Swensen, it's hard for me to do the comparision cause for me, I just super duper love ice-cream. Ice-cream melt my heart easily. Done with ice-cream, we continue to walk to Patong Beach. 

Phuket Day 2 - Patong Beach 01
#2: Tsunami Hazard Zone Signboard

Since ever the tsunami disaster which happened back in year 2004, Thailand is taking serious action on everyone's safety by putting the warning and safety signboard.

Phuket Day 2 - Patong Beach 02
#3: Finally we reached the beach when we saw tons of beautiful umbrellas and deck chairs.

Patong Beach turned out to be too commercialised and crowded. Mainly because especially the Caucasians, they prefer to workship the sun. Some of them can just lay down on the chair for whole day without doing anything. By the way, the chairs are for rent, not free of charge. The charge of each chair is about 100 baht per person and can use it until they close. But for us, we don't want to waste our money on that.

Phuket Day 2 - Patong Beach 03
#4: Patong Beach is kinda long and wide beach.

Quite number of water activities available here; jet-skiing, parasailing, sightseeing boats and more but we didn't even bother with that as we tried to avoid from getting wet. Silly us for not bringing extra spare of clothes.   

Phuket Day 2 - Patong Beach 04
#5: Two sightseeing boats

Despite the overcrowded especially with foreign tourists, we managed to take quite number of good shots. What I means a photo with vibrant blue sky and crystal clear blue sea as the background. If you wanna have a serene and quiet place to relax your mind and soul, definitely this Patong Beach will not be your choice.

Phuket Day 2 - Patong Beach 05
#6: My Flipper slipper

Phuket Day 2 - Patong Beach 06
#7: Left our footprints in Patong Beach

Besides the beach, there are number of stalls selling different kind of goods nearby; such swimsuits, souvenirs, foods and more. Especially for the ladies, if you are hunting for sexy and yet cheap bikini, try to look for the stalls nearby Patong Beach because for the last time I heard from a friend of mine, she bought as low as RM20 for a set of bikini. Talking about a great bargain, here.

It's not hard to find Patong Beach. Just ask the local if you're lost and don't worry, Thai people are absolutely one of the friendliest people on earth.