Travel & Living Journal of DT is Taking Another Break!

Lately I'm so busy with my personal things as well as my hectic working life. Therefore, I unable to update my blog within these few weeks. Plus, by the time you are reading this, I am travel to somewhere which I had been before but I love to do another revisit trip. No worry, my blog will resume as usual once I back from this trip of mine.

Travel Quote
In the meantime, here is one of my favourite travel quote to share with you guys. Enjoy!

Do miss me, oppsss... I mean my blog! I have so many travelogues lining up in the queue for me to share with you guys (Hong Kong & Macau, Melbourne, Bangkok, Johor Bahru, Cambodia, Hatyai, Laos, Japan, Kota Bharu and more). So stay tune!

If you wanna know where I am travelling now, follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Overview of Kota Bahru Media Fam Trip

Last weekend, I was being invited with few Sabahan bloggers together fellow medias for an exclusive 4D3N Media Fam Trip to Kota Bharu, Kelantan in conjunction with the inaugural flight of this significant new route which AirAsia is the first carrier to connect between both East Malaysia and East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia directly. 

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 01
#1: Press conference ceremony and performance were held once we arrived Kota Bharu

#2: My first ever media tag as a travel blogger

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 02
#3: Stayed in two different hotels throughout our media fam trip; Hotel Perdana and Renaissance Hotel

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 10
#4: We visited many historical and interesting tourist spots around Kota Bharu, Tumpat and Rantau Panjang area.

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 08
#5: Famous shopping spots; Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah or known as Central Market, Pasar Besar Rantau Panjang and Wakaf Che Yeh night market. 

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 03
#6: A visit to Kelantan is incomplete without having their local delicacies. There are plenty of delicious foods and delicacies in Kelantan itself and I really wish I could have bigger stomach to have them all.

Besides local delicacies, Kelantan is a state that rich in colourful and unique cultures; especially in terms of arts and performance. 

#7: Wayang Kulit (shadow play) in Pak Daim, Tumpat

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 04
#8: Wau maker in Kampung Badang

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 05
#9: Songket making in Cik Minah Songket & Batik Factory Outlet Store

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 06
#10: See the process of keropok ikan (fish crackers)

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 07
#11: Dikir barat sponsored by the Tourist Information Center (TIC). We were also being invited up to the stage to perform along.

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 09
#12: Goodies bags given by AirAsia and Tourism Malaysia

I would like to extend my gratitude to AirAsia and also Tourism Malaysia Kelantan for this wonderful and unforgettable media fam trip. I'd been waiting for so long to visit Kota Bharu, Kelantan cause Kelantan is one and only state that I haven't visit yet and now my dreams finally came true. For those Sabahan who interested in visit Kota Bharu, Kelantan? Now you can do so cause AirAsia is flying directly from Kota Kinabalu to Kota Bharu 3 weekly flights on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Sharing Saturday: 4 Different Seasons

4 Different Seasons
Experienced 4 different seasons; Spring in Melbourne (Australia), Summer all day long in Phuket (Thailand), Autumn in Berlin (Germany) and Winter in Launterbrunnen (Switzerland). My favourite would be Spring and Autumn. Mainly because I love to see places manicured with myriad of colourful and vibrant blooming flowers and also mixture colours of the autumn foliage. Another reason I love spring cause literally my Chinese name means spring. How about you? Which is your favourite and why?

P/S: Again, I'm away at this moment for another Cuti-Cuti Malaysia. Being invited to a state that I'm waiting for so long. Finally, complete one of my wishlist which is to visit all the 13 states of Malaysia.

If you wanna know where I am travelling, follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Hong Kong & Macau Day 1 & 2: Hello Hong Kong Again & Stanley Market

Hong Kong is no longer a strange country for me since I'd been to this vibrant and lively country few times, and to be exact, this could be consider my 4th trip to Hong Kong so far. And to be frank, I kinda dislike Hong Kong from what I'd been through during my maiden trip and I was thinking why on earth will I ever going back to this country that I used to dislike. But then I realised, there is something more, something sparkling about Hong Kong that worth for me to discover ever more and more...

Well, of course one of the main reason I went Hong Kong last year was because Boyfie received a sum of money from Hong Kong Government and so he decided to tag me along and also as a treat for my last year birthday gift. [The best birthday present ever for a gal who always love to travel

Date of Visit:17th September 2012

Day 1 Hong Kong Arrived
#2: Hello again to one of the busiest airport in Asia - Hong Kong International Airport after three hours of flight from Kota Kinabalu.

During this trip, we had save a lot especially in terms of accommodation. We stayed at Boyfie's relatives place which situated less than half an hour from the city center. Instead of requested his relatives to wait for us at the airport, we decided to take the bus on our own since the bus will stop directly in front of his relatives place. Plus, both of us had the Octopus Card which we didn't refund them from our previous trip, making this trip so convenient and hassle-free.

Day 1 Arrived Hong Kong 02
#3: We took bus No. A29 to Hang Hau and surprisingly, there's free WiFi internet access inside the bus. Instantly I check-in and to report to my family that I was safely arrived.

Day 2 Accommodation in Hong Kong
#4: It was indeed a small room but we're grateful for all the kind and warm hospitality given by boyfie's relatives.

Date of Visit:18th September 2012

As usual, every morning Boyfie's relatives would bring us to restaurant for breakfast and for sure, it's none other than dim sum. It's like staple meal for each and every Hong Kong people to have dim sum.

Day 2 Dim Sum Restaurant 01
#5: Mostly occupied by the senior citizen cause the young one went to work or school at that particular hour.

Day 2 Dim Sum 02
#6: Almost every morning we had these when breakfast with Boyfie's relatives.

After that, Boyfie and I moved on to our first destination on the second day. Since Boyfie been to Hong Kong don't know how many times and also ever stayed there for certain period, he let me to decide where I wanna go. Hence, I suggested to go Stanley Street since I never been there before and also, as a big fan of Hong Kong drama, I saw many times those artists mentioned about this place, making me more eager to discover about this place.

Day 2 MRT System Map with Local Tourist Attractions
#7: MRT system map with local tourist attractions. Looks like there are so many places that yet to discover.

The only way to Stanley Market is by taking public bus and it's really pretty convenient and easy when comes to public transportation in Hong Kong. I'm wondering why some people mentioned that the public transport in Hong Kong is so confusing and complicated. Wait until you visit Japan, Korea, Australia and Europe, you will find out the significant differences of their public transportation. 

When the bus arrived, Boyfie and I choose the upper deck so that we can see more clearer of the landscape and scenic view throughout the journey. By the way, Hong Kong people refer Stanley as "Chek Chue" and please don't ever mention the word of Stanley when asking for direction.

Day 2 Stanley Street 01
#8: Colourful signboards. It's hard to get lost in Hong Kong

Day 2 Stanley Street 05
#9: A typical scene like I always saw in almost Hong Kong drama

Day 2 Stanley Street 02
#10: Stanley Street is similar to the Ladies' Street in Mongkok. Almost all the items sold here were similar too but for the price wise, it seems to be slightly higher than the latter one.

Day 2 Stanley Street 03
#11: Stanley Main Street - where you can find stretch of cafes, pubs, bars and restaurant that serve wide range of international dishes and with a view overlooking the South China Sea.

Day 2 Stanley Street 06
#12: Without realising, it's time for lunch and we decided to grab our quick lunch from our favourite 24 hours convenience store - 7-Eleven.

Day 2 Stanley Street 07
#13: Well, apparently we came here just for sightseeing, souvenirs hunting and quick lunch.

In case you have plenty of time, then you may consider about this place. If not, it is not advisable to visit this cause the journey from Central Station to reach here was kinda long and the things, especially the souvenirs were slightly higher in terms of price. And from my observation, this place was mostly visited by the Caucasian tourists seeing that this spot provide a relaxing and chilling environment to hang out with families and friends.

Day 2 Repulse Bay
#14: Repulse Bay, a bay in the southern part of Hong Kong

We didn't have the intention to stop at Repulse Bay cause I'd been to this spot before with my family during my first trip. It's just like our normal beach but to be honest, it's more cleaner than ours one. During the summer time, it is fully occupied for water activities, especially for netball match. I still remember that my tour guide even mentioned that Repulse Bay area is one of the most expensive housing areas in Hong Kong where it is homes for the rich and famous. Even the famous action movie star, Jackie Chan, one of his house was located in this area.

How to get to Stanley Street and Repulse Bay
From MTR Central Station Exit B, head to Exchange Square bus terminal and take bus 6, 6A, 6X or 260.

4D3N Bali, Indonesia Complete Itinerary (2012)

Here is the compilation for all the post relating to my trip to Bali, Indonesia last year for 4 days and 3 nights. And there are even few tips given based on my own experience, especially for those who are going Bali for the very first time.

Day 1 (11th August 2012)
4D3N Bali, Indonesia Day 1
1. Garuda Wisnu Kencana - Admission fee is IDR60,000
2. Uluwatu Temple - Entrance fee  is IDR20,000
3. Kecak dance - Pay extra of IDR70,000
4. Seafood dinner at Jimbaran Beach

Stay: Jocs Boutique Hotel & Spa
 Jocs Boutique Hotel & Spa

Day 2 (12th August 2012)
Batuan Village, Tegalalang Rice Terrace, Tirta Empul at Tampak Siring Temple & Luwak Coffee 
4D3N Bali, Indonesia Day 2
Entrance fee for Tegalalang Rice Terrace is IDR5,000 wherease for Tampak Siring Temple is IDR15,000.

Mount Batur in Kintamani, Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka & Ubud Market
4D3N Bali, Indonesia Day 2 part 2
Entrance for Kintamani is IDR10,000.

Day 3 (13th August 2012)
Turtle Farm of Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua
Bali Day 3 Tanjung Benoa Tour 03
-We paid USD$25 each for this tour and to be frank, we were kinda disappointed with it. Short, expensive and totally not worth it.

Tanah Lot Temple, Puru Ayun & Puru Ulun Danu - My Most Favourite Temples in Bali
4D3N Bali Day 3
Entrance fee for three of these temples are IDR30,000 each.

Day 4 (14th August 2012)
Bali Bombing Memorial, BeachWalk, Kuta Beach & Ngurah Rai International Airport
4D3N Bali, Indonesia Day 4

Extra Posts:
If you plan to hire a local tour guide/driver around Bali, here is the detail and contact:   
Alvin - Contact through sending message via email to alvin.ezpro@gmailcom ; or through mobile phone: +62 81999393636 / +62 81339189529
He charged IDR350,000 for unlimited of time and this fee including petrol and parking fee. His car could fit up to 6 people.  

Tips (for the those who are going to Bali for the very first time):
  1. The best time to visit Bali would be generally in May, June and July in terms of weather. However, if you are going for surfing, preference may change. During the dry season, May to October, the western side of the island creates some of the world's best waves. 
  2. Place to stay - If you are looking forward for good food, shopping and epic nightlife, Kuta and Legian would be your best pick. As for budget traveller, Kuta would be the best choice. 
  3. As for the lady, it is wise to know when is your menstruation cause some temples, like Pura Taman Ayu and Tampak Siring Temple are strictly disallowed to enter during those time. So, better plan ahead or else, it believe will bring bad luck.
  4. For money changer, even our local driver/tour guide advised us not to simply change at any money charger especially those with extraordinary exchange rate, as the dishonest money charger will try to rip you off badly. My advise, change sufficient of Rupiah before leaving to Bali. Talking about ATM machine, I came across a Caucasian unable to withdraw his money due to machine broke down while his card stuck inside it. Horrible situation!
  5. Last but not least, don't forget to keep IDR150,000 to pay for airport departure tax or else, you can't go back to your own home sweet home.
Ok, with this post it's finally wrapped up my Bali travelogue. Gosh! I'm really trying my best to blog all my travelogue before more and more of my upcoming trips are approaching soon.

Latest News:
AirAsia is now flying directly from Kota Kinabalu (BKI) – Bali (DPS) with 3x weekly flights on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No need to transit to Kuala Lumpur anymore!

My Travel Haul & Expenses of Bali, Indonesia (2012)

What to buy when you in Bali? Well, apparently I not sure what to buy when I was in Bali except for Luwak coffee, which well-known to be the most expensive coffee in the world. So as usual, whenever I travel, mostly I just bought keychains, fridge magnets and even themed T-shirt as part of my travel collection.

Bali 01
#1: I guess not that many if compare to my other trips xP

Bali 03
#2: Besides the white one which bought in Ubud Market, the rest I bought in souvenir shop nearby Pura Luhur Tanah Lot - for my parents, brothers and myself.

Bali 02
#3: Kinda love tote bag lately cause they are indeed very useful. Mostly bought from Ubud Market.

Bali 04
#4: Bundle of keychains & fridge magnets got them from Ubud Market. The more you buy, they will give you more discount. Depends on your bargaining skill

Bali 05
#5: Different coffee flavours I bought - vanilla and coconut. As for Luwak Coffee, for just 50 gram, it cost almost RM100. I bought for my parents cause they love coffee so much. #coffeeaddiction

Bali 06
#6: McCafe luggage tag which I need to purchase any cakes and beverages above IDR60,000, then I will get it for free.

And the following is my sharing of the full details of my travel expenses that I spend for my 4 days and 3 nights trip in Bali, Indonesia:
Bali Travel Expenses-1
(The exchange rate by the time I changed; RM1 : IDR2,950 and RM3:USD$1)

  1. The airfare didn't include the airport tax and it's compulsory to pay before depart.
  2. Baggage allowance for my flight KL-Bali-KL-KK.
  3. Stayed for 3 nights throughout the trip, which including the breakfast as well. For more information about this boutique hotel, click HERE.
  4. Rate for a day is IDR350,000 - unlimited time per day and it's including the fuel and driver fee as well but excluded the parking and entrance fees. It can accommodate up to 6 people.
  5. This is optional tour but honestly, not recommended. Kinda disappointed.
  6. The fee is for the local but the actual fee for foreigner is IDR30,000.
  7. Most of my souvenirs and shopping haul are as above photos. Also including postcards and stamps which I bought and send out from Bali (unfortunately my postcards lost in space cause I never received it until now)

Bali Day 4: Bali Bombing Memorial, BeachWalk, Kuta Beach & Ngurah Rai International Airport

Date of Visit: 14th August 2012

If there is more than one particular flight back homeland, mostly I will book in the evening one, as long it's still within my budget so that we could have more time to venture around. Same goes for my Bali trip. Our flight back to Kuala Lumpur was 7pm, and because of that, we had plenty of time to wander around Kuta and Legian area, where our hotel was situated.

Bali Day 4 Kuta Memorial Bali Bombing
#1: Bali Bombing Memorial

We walked around for last minute of shopping and we came across of this Bali Bombing Memorial. This permanent memorial was built for 202 people who being killed due to terrorist bombing attack right in the center of Kuta district.

Bali Day 4 Kuta Busy Area
#2: Hustle and bustle of Kuta district - If you are looking for good foods, good bars, shopping and more, this is the best place for you.

Bali Day 4 BeachWalk
#3: Beachwalk, a newly open-aired mall overlooking the Indian Ocean at the very heart and soul of Kuta. Stores like Topshop, Zara, Guess, Mango, Pull & Bear can be found here.

Bali Day 4 Kuta Beach
#4: The world famous beach, Kuta Beach. And guess what, I spotted topless women here. I'm kid not.

Bali Day 4 Kuta Beach 01
#5: McDonald, KCF, convenience store and more right along Kuta Beach

Bali Day 4 Mcd & McCafe
#6: Our lunch - McDonald but I was more attracted to McCafe. At that moment, McCafe was just opened in Kuala Lumpur not more than a month.

Done with shopping, done with strolling along the beach, done with lunch, but then, we realised we still have plenty of time before leaving to airport. So my friends suggested for Balinese massage since there are plenty of massage parlour located nearby our hotel.

Bali Day 4 Massage Parlour
#7:We did half hour body massage and it cost IDR50,000 (approx. to RM17). Freaking dirt cheap!

And so, finally we decided to leave to airport around 4 pm. The distance between Kuta area and Ngurah Rai International Airport, or commonly known as Denpasar Airport was not really that far away and it took roughly less than 30 minutes, depending on the traffic jam. As for the taxi fare, it cost around IDR35,000 (approx. to RM12).

Bali Day 4 Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport 04
#8: Saw this Gatot Kaca Knight statue means we almost arrive the airport.

Bali Day 4 Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport 01
#9: Balinese architectural theme in the international terminal

Bali Day 4 Airport Departure Tax
#10: Passenger service charge or airport departure tax for IDR150,000 (approx. to RM51) is compulsory to pay by every passenger before leaving Bali. So don't forget to keep your money!

Bali Day 4 Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport 03
#11: Even the Balinese split gate can be seen here.

Bali Day 4 Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport 02
#12: A beautiful and long masterpiece drawing of Balinese culture 

Another two final blogposts before I officially wrap up my Bali travelogue.