Melbourne, Australia Day 7: Tesselaar Tulip Festival

Date Visited: 6th October 2012

One of the main reason I choose to visit Melbourne during spring season was for the colourful and heavenly Tesselaar Tulip Festival. Since I didn't have the luck to visit the world-famous Keukenhof Gardens in Amsterdam from my previous visit, so no matter how, I was so eager to visit this Tesselaar Tulip Festival. Hence, I spare the whole day of my last day in Melbourne before flying back by visiting this timeless beauty of the tulip festival together with my friend.

Tesselaar Tulip Festival is held once every year from middle of September to middle of October and the location is situated in Monbulk Road, Silvan which less than an hours drive from Melbourne city center. Don't worry if you do not have any access to a vehicle, there will always be an alternative method to get to Tesselaar Tulip Festival by taking the public transport. (Refer below on how to travel by public transport) But then, it is advisable to pre-plan your public transport trip to ensure your day is hassle free.

#1: After more than 2 hours train and bus ride, finally we reached Tesselaar Tulip Festival

The entrance to this festival is not free, if you are wondering. It cost AUD$18 (approx. to RM60) but the admission fee will be revised every year. From the official website, the admission fee for this year is AUD$20. Looks like the luck wasn't on our side cause by the time we arrived, it was raining heavily and it won't stop for the rest of the day.













#14: Eventually I thought these were lavenders, but then they were actually lupin flowers. No wonder they didn't smell like lavender

#15: Breathtaking display of over a million spring flowering bulbs

#16: Replica of Amsterdam windmill


#18: Just when I thought alpacas can only been seen in South America, I bumped them here. What's alpaca if you are wondering? Kindly please google cause it's hardly for me to explain

We spend more than two hours here before decided to leave here permanently and back to the city town.

#19: Look! A giant purse in Bourke Street Mall (Thanks to Cubie for the info)

#20: Dinner on my last night in Melbourne - Japanese ramen at Kokoro Ramen Melbourne. It was too scrumptious that make me wanna fly back to Melbourne just for a bowl of hot ramen. 

#21: Before back to my friend's hostel, my friend recommended me to try this Lord of the Fries. It's not really that bad, but then not as good as I thought.

So, that's my travel stories on the day before leaving Melbourne soon.

How To Get To Tesselaar Tulip Festival
Saturday and Sunday
1. Board a Train from Melbourne to Lilydale Station.
2. At Lilydale Station catch the Tesselaar Tulip Festival shuttle bus (which departs 5 minutes after the train arrives at the Lilydale station. Cost $3 for a return ticket.

Monday to Friday
1. Board a Train to Lilydale Station.
2. Board the Route 663 Bus from Lilydale Station to the Tesselaar Tulip Festival

Seoul & Busan, South Korea Trip 2014 (Sneak Peek)

Going Korea for the second time wasn't really part of my plan but my mom and sis really love to go there and hence, they assigned me to become their personal tour guide. It was kinda last minute decision that I don't even have the time to do a well-preparation. Simply amended my itinerary which I did for the previous trip.

South Korea 2014 - Korean Air
#1: So here we off to South Korea with Korean Air and the flight duration from Kota Kinabalu directly to Seoul only took 5 hours, comparing with AirAsia X from Kuala Lumpur which took 7 and half hours. 

Initially we plan to fly with Asiana Airlines or Cathay Pacific but Asiana Airlines was too expensive whereas Cathay Pacific required transit in Hong Kong for few hours. After comparing both fares between Cathay Pacific and Korean Air, we chosen Korean Air since we never flew before with them. It was a pleasant flight and we really enjoyed it. 

South Korea 2014 - Busan Korail
#2: Once we landed Incheon International Airport, we took commuter train to Seoul Station for the Korail exchange bound to Busan city, South Korea's second largest metropolis after Seoul.

#3: Sun & Fun at Hauendae Beach - the most popular and well-known beach in South Korea. But too bad the weather in Busan is so cold and windy.

South Korea 2014 - Busan 01
#4: Exploring the colourful and cherry alleyways of Busan's Gamcheon Culture Village. It's also known as "Korea's Santorini". My most favourite attraction comparing the rest.

South Korea 2014 - Busan 02
 #5: Another Busan famous attraction, Taejongdae Resort Park which located 20 minutes away from Busan Station. The thing must see here is the Yeongdo Lighthouse. 

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 02
 #6: The second gong or palace I visited in Seoul - Changdeokgung Palace. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 03
 #7: When my mom and sis went to Everland Resort Park, I decided not to join and wandered around Seoul alone. I went to Ewha Womans University and oh man, it's so enchanted and beautiful making me wanna return back to uni life again.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 04
#8: Since I missed out Itaewon during my maiden trip, so for this time around I must go.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 05
 #9: Took bus alone to N Seoul Tower

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 06
 #10: A day before we left, we went Coex Aquarium. Again, another of my travel wishlist accomplished.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 07
 #11: Can't believe I got to try free hanbok experience for the second time. Thanks to Kampungboycitygal's blog (one of my favourite blog when relating to travel)  for the sharing this.

South Korea 2014 - Seoul 08
#12: I'm not really fond of Korean cuisines but then these were the best meals I ever had in South Korea - jjim dalk, budae jjigae, Korean BBQ and dak-galbi. The one on the bottom right, dak-galbi seems halal cause I saw many Muslims were eating there.

We went South Korea seems to be pretty early for spring season but then we bumped into sakura (eventhough it was few) in Seoul. This is the third time I stumbled upon sakura or known as cherry blossom (after the first one in Japan last year and in Inle Lake, Myanmar early of this year)
South Korea 2014 - Seoul 10

Till then, hope to see you soon, South Korea. Wish I could go back for the third visit. Perhaps I should plan to go during middle of April next year for sakura. #daydreaming again

Guess I love East Asia countries so much (Hong Kong, Macau, China, South Korea, Japan & Taiwan) than South East Asia countries that I don't mind to do another repeating visits.

P/S: Might not able to blog my latest Seoul & Busan travelogue at this moment cause catching up to blog my outdated and overdue travelogues. However, if you have any enquiry regarding this trip of mine, you are welcome to leave me a message at, or you can even check my first ever trip to South Korea (Seoul & Jeju Island) travelogue - Summary of 8 Days of Seoul & Jeju Island Travelogue

Melbourne, Australia Day 6: Fitzroy Gardens, Cooks' Cottage & DFO South Wharf

Date of Visit: 5th October 2012

A visit to Melbourne Aquarium was kinda rush cause I promised to meet my friend in front of Flinders Street Station. It was due to my poor time management for spending too much time in Queen Victoria Market. After met my friend, we went to Fitzroy Gardens again by hopping into the free city circle tram. In one day itself, I lost count how many times I hopped in and off the circle tram.

 Conservatory of Fitzroy Gardens

Fore over 80 years, Conservatory has providing spectacular and magnificent floral displays. The Building imitated the Spanish mission architectural style. 

It's really hard to imagine that such a beautiful and enchanted garden that give a very peaceful and serene feelings do actually exist right in the middle of the bustling city. I believe this place is an ideal place for those who are looking for wedding photoshoots in Melbourne.

Conservatory is open daily from 9am until 5pm (5:30pm daylight saving) and it only closed during Christmas Day. It's free of entry. 

Situated right in the middle of Fitzroy Garden is the Cook's Cottage, another attraction not to be missed.

Double storey of Cook's Cottage is Australia's oldest building and has undergone two restorations

The cottage commemorates Captain James Cook, a British explorer who in 1770 mapped the east coast of Australia, from Pt Hicks in Victoria, to Possession Islands north of Quuensland.

 This bronze statue is believed to be close to actual life size of Captain James Cook. The statue shows the captain in his naval uniform, holding tools of his trade.

Combining modern audio-visual interpretations of Captain Cook’s life and amazing voyages with centuries-old relics and a vibrant, colourful English cottage garden, Cooks’ Cottage provides a unique insight into English family life in the 18th century.

 Inside the Cottage - The kitchen and main bedroom

Similar to Conservatory, Cook's Cottage is open daily from 9am until 5pm except during Christmas Day. However, it's not free to enter Cook's Cottage. General entry for adult cost AUD$5, for children AUD$2.50.

From Fitzroy Gardens, we hopped again into the free city circle tram for shopping time. My friend brought me to DFO which stands for Direct Factory Outlets. There are four DFO stores in Melbourne; Moorabbin Airport, Essendon Airport, Spencer Street (above Southern Cross station) and South Wharf (nearby the Casino). We went to the one in South Wharf cause according to my friend, it has more brands and labels and big sales especially on their clothings. 

DFO South Wharf is located in the Melbourne CBD and next to the Docklands

DFO South Wharf consists more than 180 stores with big brand and big savings up to 70% off including Fossil, Country Road, Nike, Adidas, Levi's and more. This is an ideal place for those who is looking for shoes, clothes, luggage, sunglasses, handbags and so on. 

Unfortunately, I didn't find anything fancy here cause I'm more towards street style fashion, instead of chasing branded name and designers articles.

But then, I love these two shops - Smiggle and Kikki.k which mainly sell fancy and colourful stationery, arts and handicraft items. At the end, I bought another luggage tag and added more of my travel collection.

Chinese foods for dinner before heading back to my friend's hostel. It cost AUD9.90 for both meal and drink! It was indeed pricey but since I didn't have any proper meal throughout the day, I may just close my eyes when paying the bill.

Follow me on Twitter | Instagram | Dayre | cause I'm currently away for another flashpacking!

Post The Card (Part 4)

This is another entry of the postcards which I received from my fellow friends as well from the humble and friendly bloggers.
Previous posts:

Hanoi, Vietnam from #travelholicawesome
I was supposed joining them for the 14 days trip via overland from China to Vietnam but due to work commitment, I couldn't made it. So glad that they were so kind to send a postcard to me.

Dalat, Vietnam from Lily Riani
This adorable and humble blogger never failed to send me a postcard whenever she travelled.

Shanghai, China from a close friend of mine, Tracey
First time my friend went China and already had bad impression about the local there.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia from my newly wed couple
This is one of my favourite postcard which I received from my newly wed couple who went there for honeymoon. Great Barrier Reef is another of my travel wishlist.

Phuket & Bangkok, Thailand from Jeff Chuah
Jeff is the first travel blogger that I travelled with and after I back from Laos, he continued another of his adventures to Thailand. 

Japan from #travelholicawesome

Kerala, India from Lily Riani

Bali, Indonesia from Dr. C Wern Hong

Lijiang, China from Ivan Chan
The first postcard I received from this blogger and hopefully to receive more.

Well, I have special announcement to my blog readers. I had decided to send a postcard to 10 lucky readers and as usual, for those who have comment the most in my blog for this year itself will receive a  postcard from my next upcoming trip. As usual, I can't reveal where I will be going. Here are the list of the 10 lucky readers:
1. **Small Kucing & Mamarazzi from
2. **Jeff Chuah from Jeff's Travel
3. **Biqque from Beauty in Darkness 

4. Chency from theChency 
5. **Hong Chern Wern from World of Travels, Environment and Photography 

6. **Shirley Tay from Luxury Haven
7. Muhammad Afif from Travel My Way
8. Twilight Man from Twilight Zone
9.  J-Mei from Interesting Corner of Me

10. Aemy Nadira from Aemy the Lil Lady

For those who without **,  kindly please don't forget to leave your name and mailing address to my email: by 15th March 2014, or else you will miss out this once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity from me.

Before I end this post,

Thoughts and prayers to all those affected passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As a wanderlust and also frequent flyer of Malaysia Airlines especially, it's heartwrenching when heard this new on Saturday morning. It's almost 72 hours but until now, no news regarding this missing flight. Let's us pray together for miracle to be happened.