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Siem Reap, Cambodia (2013) Day 2: Angkor Wat at Sunrise

Date Visited: 2nd March 2013

On the second day of our Siem Reap trip, we woke up as early as 4am, before the sun appeared. Luckily for us, Cambodia time is 1 hour behind our Malaysia time and technically we had to wake up and be ready before 6am Malaysia time. Our driver was ready earlier and picked us from the guest house for the main highlight of this trip, none other than the sunrise at Angkor Wat.

Tip Before Going To Angkor Wat
Despite how rush you are especially when you wake up late in such an early hour, make sure you bring along your Temple Pass before heading out or else, it will waste your time to go back to your lodging again and take your temple pass. Worst to worst, there would be possibility you might miss the sunrise.

Once we arrived the destination, it was really dark. Using our smartphone, we turned on the flashlight to lead us into Angkor Wat. Just when we thought we were the earliest one, we were so surprised there are almost hundred of tourists gathered before us. Almost all of them prepared and ready positioned their camera to get the best shot for the sunrise. Therefore, I would advise you to be there by 4.30am Cambodia time, at least.

Waited for more than an hour, here's the time that everybody waited for;

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - 01 Angkor Wat
#1: Sunrise at the world heritage of Angkor Wat with the reflection of the entire temples

Honestly speaking, it's not easy to take the above shot cause beside being short, everyone was holding their camera so high up. Thanks to a friendly Caucasian who was eventually standing in front of me, he gave his best spot for me. 

#2: Group photo. Credit to Kming

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - 01 Kid at Angkor Wat
#3: Local kid with selling postcard for US$1 only. So young but he can speak different kind of languages; English, Mandarin and even Japanese and Korean.

Right after we done with the sunrise shooting, we spent few hours ventured around Angkor Wat.

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - 03 Angkor Wat
#4: Aspara and devata statues are characteristic of the Angkor Wat style

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - 04 Angkor Wat

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - 05 Angkor Wat
#6: Part of Angkor Wat structures

Siem Reap, Cambodia 52
#7: One director, two photographers and two actors. "Lights, Camera, Action!"

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 2 - 06 Angkor Wat
#8: Final glimpse of Angkor Wat before leaving