First Time Formal Interview

"All my nerves nervous like hell and freeze like living in iceberg"

Today, 2pm, somewhere around nearby Port View Seafood Restaurant, this is my first time formal interview. Lots of questions being asked. Hopefully can get this job.

Funny pix from my ji mui, makes me feel relief :D

Day Trip Around Kundasang

This will be final trip of my ji mui in Sabah. At first we plan to overnight at Kundasang yesterday night, but due to some problems, so we postpone it and just make it for a day trip. Thanks to my dad's driver to drive us all the way to Kundasang.

First stop is at Strawberry Farm & Hotel. Quite dissapointed with the strawberry cause it is too small. Next stop is Agro T Nursery, where you can see, feel and touch all the plants and flowers being planted.
After that, we're heading to one of a place that visitor should stopby when going Kundasang. This place is Poring Hot Springs.
Lunch time! We stopby Ranau area to have our lunch. I'm not really sure where and what to eat at Ranau, so we just simply have our meals to fill our hungry stomach.
Finally, this is the place where everyone searching for, Kinabalu National Park. That's our last destination before heading back to KK. This is one of the first national parks in Malaysia and most popular tourist spot where if you want to climb the highest mountain in South East Asia, you could start from here.
Big and huge rafflesia but it is fake one.

Jet Ski-ing

After the tour of visiting Monsopiad Cultural Village, we're heading back to Sutera Harbour again. At last, my ji mui had the chance to experience riding on jet ski. Thanks to my dearest daddy.

We drove from Sutera Harbour and heading to Tanjung Aru beach. Jenny said at first she refuse to join as she scare but at the end, she said she really love to ride on it. Glad to hear that.

At first, I sms Wawa to join us but at the end, I sms her back that cancel. I thought my dad will brought us back to island again but my dad said. We just drove around nearby. Sorry ya, dearest Wawa. If next time my dad organize trip to island again, I sure will sms u all.
Here we go!
Tanjung Aru Beach
To purplefish. My dad said you are good in riding jet ski. Doesn't seen like your first time
With my dad
I love this pic
We gonna miss you, Ms Jet Ski
At night, we were having dinner at home as my mom cook. After that, we shop around Servay Hyper for some snacks and foods for tomorrow trip to Kundasang.
See how hungry is purplefish?

Monsopiad Cultural Village

This is my first time to visit Sabah local traditional village. It was also one of my brave attempt drive to there without a map beside me. Thanks for the signboard near Putatan. I saw signboard somewhere around highway to Lido-Luyang but I was lost. So, don't trust that signboard which near Petronas.

So, what is Monsopiad? Monsopiad Cultural Village, the traditional village us a historical site in the heartland of the Kadazandusun people and it is the only cultural village in Sabah built to commemorates the life and time of the legendary Kadazan and head hunter warrior, Monsopiad.

Before we had the chance to look around, need to go to the reception counter and sign in. At first I thought it was free but it was not. So, here a tip for you. If your student card is till valid and available, please bring it with you as only cost RM20. If not, it will cost RM45. Much differences, right? After register, there is tour guide to explain all the places and bring us around.

Tour guide, Rose

Zhee Yee is paying attention to what Rose said

Full of explanation being brief by Rose and she bought us to the main and popular house which known as "House of Skull". I'm not dare to take those photos as is not encourage by my religion. So, please forgive me for the photo. However, I manage to take a snap of the skull of Orang Utan.

We reach exactly at time. Time for performance. Here, audience had the chance to watch Sabah traditional dance and also dance along with them.

Performance Hall

Papar Dance

Limbai Dance, Bajau traditional dance

A warrior came out from no where

Zhee Yee being selected to use the sumpit and there was a funny scenes in between

Dance along

Group photo

A cute little monkey cup

Day Trip At Gaya Island

Zhee Yee aka Purplefish and Meow Ling arrived KK at midnight. Both of them having supper at my home, eating maggi mee! Hahaha.. You really can't imagine how hungry are both of them?

Pulau Gaya, is the first trip. It was one of the enjoyable moment that I had because my hometown BFFs are joining us. The more the merrier, right. Wawa, Pat Foo, Linda and Matt are joining us but so sad that Shing Wei was busy with her assignment. If not, it will be another perfect picture.

We gather at Sutera Harbour and my father drive us there. It's been so long I never experience snorkelling. And this time, must grab this chance.

Pulau Gaya is one of my dad's favourite island that he will bring any visitor for swim, snorkelling and even jet-ski. Sadly for this time visiting, my dad unable to pull down his jet ski due to some problems occured.

My hometown BFF

My KL ji mui

Anyway, we were really enjoy so much and having our day as the weather is fine and clear. Unlike the trip during year 2006, the rain keep pouring and spoil the happy mood. Glad that the guard at that island were so kind to help my friend that can't swim well and catch some sea creatures for us to see. Lots of sea creature he captured at that moment.

Nemo. Did you saw it?

I'm just love snorkelling....

Before we left, not forget to have a snap-shot as unforgetable memories

My dad's ship...MY ONE

Say Sayonara to Sutera Harbour...

Sabah Trip of My Ji Mui

It happened 3 years ago and it happens again!
Somewhere around September 2006, a group of my diploma friends came to Sabah for 1 weeks plus vacation. Yup, Cuti-Cuti Sabah! It was their first time trip to Sabah. And this time around, in the middle of Feb, 3 of my BFF aka ji mui spend some of their precious moment for holiday in Sabah. So happy to see them!

Jenny came earlier as she came from Miri. I brought her first night dinner at Hilltop Restaurant. At there, it is famous for its western food especially chicken chop.
Jenny and her lovely smile. I talked about her before in my post.
Chicken Spicy Chop. Not spicy at all :P
Chicken Button Mushroom
Chicken with Cheese

By Korea From Korea

It's not about Korea trip at all coz I haven't been to Korea yet. It's something related to Korea. Korea is getting lots of public attention after the famous Korean drama series, Winter Sonata. Since then, everything is Korea; visit Korea, Korean foods, Korea movie and drama and etc.

During my trip to KL for my Advanced Diploma convocation, Andrew brought Vincent, Marina and I to have a taste of Korea cuisine. Somewhere near Ampang and where we reach there, there was lots of Korea restaurant. At there, can consider as Korean village. I forget the restaurant that we choose but I know it was my first time to taste Korean food. Hehehe...
Vincent and Andrew
Marina and I are holding something

By the way, what are both of us holding? My diploma classmate, Adeline went to Korea for her company trip. So cool, man! How I wish my future company could organise a company trip? I just love trip. Adeline purposely came down from Melaka to attend the convocation. It was really touching. So from her trip to Korea, she bought sourvenir for us. Below is the small but cute gift from her.
Looks like Year 2008 is something from Korea to me. Besides Korean cuisine and Korea sourvenir, I also get to know a friend from Korea. If you had read my post on Paris, you will know her. Yes, Kyung Hee. Until now, we still keep in touch with each other via MSN. It's so cool and fun to get more friends from different places especially those with different culture and languages.
Last January, while chat with her, she told me that she had the intention to come Malaysia to pay a visit. And suddenly she asked "Are your place located in Kota Kinabalu?". Gosh, it a huge shock for me as not much people know where is Kota Kinabalu located. I didn't means Kota Kinabalu is not famous among visitors but if you compare with Kuala Lumpur, which one most people know the most? She told me that Kota Kinabalu is famous among Korean people. Maybe this is because there is a direct flight from Kota Kinabalu to Seoul, Korea. I still remember when I was on my way back to KK for holiday, I took MAS and the guy sit next to me is Korean. Our own local stewardess try to communicate with him but failed. At the end, a Korean stewardness appear. At that moment, I realised that this flight is transit flight from KL to KK and from KK to Korea. But so sad that Kyung Hee told me lately that she can't come to KK due to some reasons behind. Anyway, Kyung Hee, you're welcome anytime!
Our first night in Berlin, Germany

Last but not least, a small gift from Kyung Hee as what she consider "friendship gift". Hahaha.
At last, I got pair. The left side, guy is given by my Girl Guides junior and right side, lady is from Kyung Hee. Both are 100% made from Korea