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Watching Moving Creatures It's Fun Sometimes

I'm not sure about you but I found out I recently loves to visit anything that relates to moving creatures; most likely for a zoo or even an aquarium. I don't know since when I have those kind of feelings towards animals but don't you think it is fun to see those animals right in front of your naked eyes instead of watching them in TV especially on those animals which you thought you will probably never gonna see in your life but you got to see them in zoo, animal park, aquarium, wildlife park and so on?

My first visit will probably back in year 1995 where my family and I had our first family trip to KL and visited Zoo Negara. Since then, I got this curiosity towards some animals and makes me wanna know more about them.

Take for an example, I went to Ocean Park, Hong Kong before but when I went to Hong Kong again last year, I make another second trip to Ocean Park just to see the most cutest animal of the world - Panda Bear. I missed them out when my maiden visit in year 2005.

Giant Panda Adventure, Hong Kong
Giant Panda Adventure, Ocean Park, Hong Kong

Underwater Sentosa Island
Uniquely pink dolphin in Underwater World, Sentosa Island, Singapore.

I loves to visit theme park too. So when a theme park combines together with an animal lifepark, it's totally another plus points for me to make a visit.

Safari Park, Everland
You probably won't believe that I could see these lions so close in one of the Korea's famous theme park - Everland.

Singapore Zoo
When I went Singapore last September, this visit is absolutely compulsory in my itinerary - Singapore Zoo. Looks like I was in Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre, Sandakan but I went there before. :D

SeaLife, Birmingham
Road trip with friends and visited National Sea Life Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Finally, try to make a lucky guess where is this place?

If you ask what animals do I really love to see when visiting those park, I can't give you the exact answers because a kind of animal got many type of undefined species. However, I can honestly tell you that there are 3 types of animals starting with "S" that I am truly scare of them - Spider, Snake, Shark. Kinda phobia when seeing them.

DT & Guci
Sometimes my house do serve as a small animal park too. There was once before where we had 3 dogs, 4 birds, hen, goose, ducks and not forgetting A MONKEY which unsure where my dad caught it from.

So, how about you? Do you love to visit those zoo and animal park? And if you do, what animals do you love to see? Loves to hear from you all :D