Scotland [Part 2]

17th August 2008
Fort William - Inverness

Depart from Loch Lomond at 8.30 am to visit Nevis Range which offer unique mountain experience. We took gondolas which is the cable cars to altittude if 2150ft up Absorb Mor besides Ben Nevis.
Gondolas which took us to Nevis Range. Almost similar cable car to Genting Highland
View from Nevis Range. Feels like in heaven

After that, we depart to Glenfinnan. This is one of the destionation that I had been waiting for. This is because some scenes from Harry Potter films were shot here. I thought we gonna miss to see the trains pass by as we reach there around 3 pm and the train gonna passby at 3.15 pm. Luckily we manages to reach on time. I'd been searching all the places or building that Harry Potter were shot on but I only able to find 2. This is one of it.

On the way to Inverness, we stopby Urguhart Castle. There's nothing much left of this castle. Though extensively ruined, it was in its day one of the largest strongholds of medieval Scotland, and remains an impressive structure. We unable to enter since it's closed, so just took group photo of it.
We reach Inverness at evening. The night view at Inverness was totally awesome and spectacular.