Scotland [Part 4]

19th August 2008Inverness - Isle of Skye

We depart from the horrible youth hostel that we stayed last nite. It's such a crippy feel to stay at there. And back to coach again to Isle of Skye. Today programme quite boring by the way compare to previous days maybe due to some of us too tired, not enough sleep especially me. Not much things to see as most all the places we visit were rock, mountain, waterfalls, etc.

Warning: Don't put much expectation on a place u visit.

Before we went Isle of Skye, we visit the Loch Ness Exhibition Centre. This place is famous for the legendary monster which called as Nessie (quite cute name). For those who had watched The Water House movie, it was adapted from this story.

After that, boring time! Welcome to Mountain, Rocks and Waterfalls...We start with Old Man of Storr.

Did u saw the stone on the right hand side? That's is Old Man of Storr...
This is one and only waterfall that knock my heart. Gosh, I'm feel like in heaven once again
Before we end our trip for today, we stopby another castle which was Duntulm Castle. Not much remains of Duntulm except a few scattered rubble foundations. I can't even knew that it was a castle before. This time we really mad and frustrated with the accomodation provided. Divided us into 2 different hostel...Ok but the problem was both hostel very far from each other which took 2 hours by coach. Really frustrated!! This is reminder to all the juniors who wish to join Scotland trip when study at SHU, don't join Scotland trip organised by student coordinator. I don't want to state his name here but I really wish next year will have different student coordinator for coming students. However, the hostel that we select was not bad at all. I don't know with the other hostel where my other friends stayed...