Scotland [Part 3]

Been away to KL for almost 2 weeks for my Advanced Diploma convocation. Should update my post bout the convo since everyone had post it but I seems so lazy to transfer all my photos to my laptop. Addition, my laptop hardisk is out of memory. Plan to buy new external hardisk but waiting for PC Fair that will be held soon in KK. Cant wait for that moment but my friend warned me that KK is totally different from KL PC Fair. I really want to see how much differences since I never went to PC Fair that held in my hometown.

Now back to my Scotland trip. I really far behind since all my friends who had been to UK had already post finish about their trip and I still posting about Scotland. Well, I don't want to lost the memory that I had in Scotland with my friends. And posting in my blog is like writing diary.

18th August 2008
John O' Groats

Past 2 days all the places we went was travelling by coach. This time, we had the opportunity to enjoy spectacular cruice. Yes, Cruise!!! Which means we were going out to the sea.
John O' Groats Ferry. Well, it's just a normal ferry. The wind is so strong. You can see from my hair :P
John o' Groats is a village in the Highland Council area of Scotland. It is popular with tourists because it is usually regarded as the most northerly settlement of mainland Great Britain. The actual location of the most northerly point, however, is at nearby Dunnet Head. The town takes its name from Jan de Groot, a Dutchman who obtained a grant for the ferry from the Scottish mainland to Orkney. [OK, well I copy this from Wikipedia. I like this website coz is like reference