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Appreciation Lunch @ Le Safran

Everytime we successfully held an activity such as Company annual dinner and trip, our bosses will defintely treat us meal as an appreciation for all the hardwork that we had done. For previous appreciation lunch, boss spend us lunch at Fukurou Japanese Restaurant for the company trip and also at Upperstar for the previous year annual dinner.

This time around, he decided to spend us at Le Safran, a French inspired foods restaurant located at 3rd Floor of Suria Sabah, which opposite of the Eu Yu Sang.

A comfortable restaurant

As this is spend by the boss, so he do the all the ordering for us. Not sure what is the name of the dishes we are having, hence I just simple guessing to introduce the following foods.

The Drinks

It's red in colour. When we taste it, seems like Ribena but it is less sugar type.

Appertizer / Starter

I guess this must be the mushroom soup. It is so creamy.

Main Course

Salmon served with cheese sauce. The fish is so soft and taste perfectly with the cheese.

Our meal end with the dessert - fresh fruit platter. That's why no picture of it because it is just 3 slice of watermelon, honeydew and pineapple.

Enjoy your meal, ladies?

By the way, before I almost forgot, today is my OFFICIALLY 2 years annivesary for working in this Company!!! Yeahhhhhh, baby~ Never thought I could stay that long in this industry. But too bad, maybe there won't be a chance for me to annouce my 3rd year anniversay of working there.

Thanks to my boss for teaching me and guiding me, not forgeting my manager who always backup for me, my colleague bla bla bla [Macam lah I want resign liao...LoL]