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Little Megan

Have you ever wondering how many kids you plan to have after marry? Or even wondering how many boys and girls you and your spouse would like to have? Maybe sometimes things is not under our control but I'm sure everyone ever thought of that when you are just little kid or even grow older as times goes by.

For me, I would like to have 2 kids. My friend asked why and my answer was "So that when travel, taxi is enough for me, my husband and 2 kids." Funny answer leh? My collegemate gals ever discussed this during last month CNY and one of them said she likes to have twins. That's sound pretty interesting. When we heard of that, we thought that maybe one goal will be easier than experience the pain over and over again. Not until when she said, "My kid will very kasihan (pity) to go to school alone. So if I born twins, then he/she got accompanion." Lol~ We laughed non-stop in the car.

How come I crap about this so suddenly? I never ever thought of posting this until I met a small cutie little gal last few days. My mom's aunt and her husband happened to visit KK last Sunday from Kuching. They brought along their granddaughter. At first, I didn't plan to entertain her as I was so busy to edit my Company annual dinner pics as you can see, I haven't post any entry of that yet.

But she was standing there, so quiet and just keep starring at my puppy. So, I decided to move my ass and asked her whether want to play with my puppy. Within few seconds, we 2 get along well; together eating Sarawak "kon lo mee" and drink Vitagen on the table which I put my laptop and doing my work.

Megan, the cute little gal who loves pink so much

My dad brought them to New Wong Kok Restaurant for brunch. Loves their dim sum

We even brought them to Sutera Harbour for a walk.

See how adorable she was?

Megan and her grandmother, which was my mom's aunt

On the first day Megan went to Sutera Harbour, she keep saying "I want swim. I want swim. But I didn't bring my swimming costume. Jie Jie, do you have?" Erm, actually I do have but it was long long long time ago and my mom doesn't remember exactly where she put.

But her wishes come true on the day before she left KK. My dad brought Megan and her grandparents to island. What's shocking me was 6++ years old little gal know how to snorkelling? OMG~

That's her and my dad. See how far how deep they went?

Even though she swim non-stop for whole day, she is still active and very energetic. Yesterday night, after dinner, we went to Lido Food Court. What I like about this little gal was she is obedient and a good gal. At first, she want order "Ice Coffee" and share with me but I can't drink coffee late at nite. Yeah, the time is almost 11 pm and if I did drink coffee, I guarantee I can't sleep for whole night. So, I told her I want yam milk tea and she said "OK". You see, she so obedient one.

She drank the yam milk tea I ordered.

By the way, Megan is pure chinese but her skin is dark like me :)

Today, she went back to Kuching but the sad thing was I unable to say goodbye to her. Damn the traffic jam along the way from Lintas to Lido. Very stupid one.

After spending with Megan for this few days, I was thinking, how I wish if I have a daughter, she would be like Megan - cute, smart, adorable, obedient and intelligent? By the way, Megan can speaks lots of language and dialect in her age. At first, I thought she only know English and sometimes spoke Hokkien not until when she ask me why I buy reload in Mandarin. So smart this girl. She is easy to get along too and she is not those type that like to stick with her mommy and daddy like other kids.

And now I start to miss her. Megan, Jie Jie miss you so much. Wish you could come to KK again.